Here at Tradexic, we strive to provide our users with the best trading experience possible. To accomplish this, we continuously evaluate the latest technologies and incorporate those technologies which we feel will benefit the user the most. Our goal remains to provide the best security and performance parameters for users, while simultaneously utilising less resources on the client (CPU, memory, and bandwidth) for our users to achieve a seamless trading experience. 



As we upgrade our technologies to accomplish these goals, some older browsers and platforms my not work properly. To get the most out of your trading experience using Tradexic we strongly recommend for you to stay up to date with the latest operating systems and browsers.



For security reasons, we always recommend you use a vendor supported and fully patched operating system with the latest browser or native mobile Tradexic app. The Operating Systems (OS) we support are Linux, OSX, Windows, Android, and iOS. The browsers we support are Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge, and IE.

Please ensure your OS is supported by its’ vendor and has all security patches applied.

We always recommend you use the latest browser version.


Minimum Requirements

To guarantee a high-performance trading experience on Tradexic we have in place a number of minimum browser requirements. 

Again, please use the latest version of your browser. The minimum browser versions we support are:

  • Chrome: 64
  • Firefox: 58
  • Safari: 11
  • Opera: 51
  • Edge: 42
  • IE: 11

If your browser is not listed, it does not mean our platform will not work. However, it does mean it may be unsupported and you are using it at your own risk. The Tradexic platform is intended to provide users with an optimised and highly-responsive trading experience based on the browser versions outlined above and we cannot guarantee the quality of your trading experience if you are using anything not outlined above. 


Mobile Platforms

For the best experience on Android and iOS phones, we recommend our native mobile apps which provides trading and funding functionality across a number of cryptocurrencies available on Tradexic. You can find more information about our mobile platform at